LeShEN Art Print

...LeSHy ... $%^^*A SpiRiT(Us)...hE"" ENj0yS PLaYinG +riCK$ 0N PeoPLe, BUt... WhHeen ANgEREdHE WiLL be TrEaCHeR0us.!!!!!!!":{^%$He iS SELLd0m sEEn, but(arse) hiS V0iCE cAn bE HEard iN tHe F0ReSt... LauGHing, wHisTLing... SinGing.HunTinG... YOU?   12x18 Print Leszy got out of the forest for the last time... so look out... did you hear...


...LeSHy ... $%^^*A SpiRiT(Us)...hE"" ENj0yS PLaYinG +riCK$ 0N PeoPLe, BUt... WhHeen
HE WiLL be TrEaCHeR0us.!!!!!!!":{^%$
He iS SELLd0m sEEn, but(arse) hiS V0iCE cAn bE HEard iN tHe F0ReSt... LauGHing, wHisTLing... SinGing.
HunTinG... YOU?


12x18 Print

Leszy got out of the forest for the last time... so look out... did you hear that?

These are the last couple of pieces of this illustration

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